Thursday, September 09, 2004

More seek and flee behaviors.

Here we have multiple seekers that space themselves.

Now when the one fleeing gets trapped, he self-destructs (Predator style!). Just refresh if he blows up.

Lastly I added some walls for the seekers to go around. The fleeing guys goes through the walls. He's magic or, possibly, I am lazy. He blows up too if he gets trapped but it happens rarely.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Jeez! It's been forever since I did anything, but for a good reason... which you will soon see!

Ok, just some fooling around with spiral patterns (thanks to Flash Math Creativity). Click for a new pattern.

Here is a simple seek bahavior. You can drag around the little white circle.

Here is a seek and flee built off that old mouse one I did.