Friday, April 03, 2009

Managing Multiple Game Objects in AS3

Managing loads of objects in a game can be one of the most challenging aspect of game programming. In sprite heavy games you are constantly making, moving and destroying objects. While much of my code is reused from game to game I always find myself trying to find better/easier ways to manage enemies, bullets and effects.

While I was teaching at AIA I tried teaching the "make an object that holds sprite vars and place it in an array" method. This is a commonly accepted method of managing sprites and their variables. This method was much too complicated for the programming level of the students so I tried to work up and easier way. I found you can simply use the Display List.

Step 1: Object Containers
Create a container for every groups of objects. Enemies, bullets, effects, etc. If you plan on only having sprites use a sprite for your container, if you will be adding movieclips use a mc for your container.

var cBullets:MovieClip;
cBullets = new MovieClip();

Step 2: Adding Objects
This is a bit old school but just dump you variables into your sprite/movieclip and add it to the container.

var aBullet:Bullet = new Bullet();
aBullet.speed = mySpeed;
aBullet.angle = myAngle; = myLife;

Step 3: Loop the container
Now loop through the container and operate on the objects

var i:Number = cBullets.numChildren;
var sp = cBullets.getChildAt(i);
sp.x += Math.cos(sp.myAngle) * mySpeed;
sp.y += Math.sin(sp.myAngle) * mySpeed;
//you can put collision here or whatever else you need;
//if your game sprite is a Sprite
if( == 0){
sp = null;
// yes, a factory would be ideal
//if your game sprite is a MovieClip
if(sp.currentFrame == sp.totalFrames){
sp = null;

I have not tested the efficiency of this method but it makes for very fast prototyping

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